Monday, August 29, 2011


So, in my previous post, I mentioned something about a yard sale I'm putting together for the end of September. Well, here's more news on that!

Here's the thing: 

Lately, I've been noticing that my closet is getting full, fuller, fullest. I can hardly fit my coat hangers in there (just check out the picture underneath) and have no overview at all about the hotties and the notties that I have, waiting to be worn. 

The result? I always tend to go for the same pieces of clothing, pieces of which I know exactly where they hang and with what I can combine them. Not cool. I've got many more clothes hanging in there, they just never get to see the light of day. 

So, to avert an actual EXPLOSION of my closet (it's a pretty closet, it would be a shame), I'm organising a yard sale on my rooftop terrace on Sunday the 25th of September (!!!).

And the REALLY good news? I'm not doing it alone! I'm already teaming up with a couple of girlfriends who are selecting as we speak which shoes, bags, accessories, dresses, ... they want to give a new life, AND I'm still looking for more contestants. 
So, if you feel like you also have some pieces of clothing that you would like to sell, don't hesitate to comment or send me an e-mail to get a lowdown on the details. 

And, of course, you're all more than welcome to stop by and have a drink, eat a piece of cake and browse through all the racks of clothes, shoes and accessories that we've selected especially for YOU, ranging from hot designer shoes to flowery summer dresses, vintage bags, indie bangles and more. 

Just contact me for the exact time and place! Or, check me on facebook ;).

See you there!! 

x Magel

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